Monday, August 16, 2010

This Week's Live and Interactive Webinars

Below are this week's public, free, and interactive Webinars through, the social learning network for education that I work on for Elluminate.

The time of the events below will show up automatically in your own time zone when you are registered in LearnCentral and when you have chosen your time zone in your profile. Event recordings are posted and available after the events if you aren't able to attend them live. If you are looking for an easy calendar import / RSS feed for these events, you'll now find a link on your calendar page or the calendar page of specific groups!

Be on the lookout for Australia-time-friendly events as part of the new Australia Series, Spanish-language Webinars from the Aula 2.0 Series, and student-oriented sessions from Students 2.0! We also hope you will consider hosting your own public webinars using the LearnCentral public room--instructions are available by joining the "Host Your Own Webinar" group on the main announcement tab (

Monday, August 16th
  • 10:45pm PDT (US) / 1:45am EDT (next day) (US) / 5:45pm GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): AUSTRALIA SERIES
    “Tech Talk Tuesdays: Making the Impossible Possible - Implementing virtual worlds in traditional school environment,”
    with host Anne Mirtschin.In this session we will explore one school’s journey to implement their Virtual Worlds Program. Even in a traditional school environment it is possible to bring about change to engage and motivate students in their learning. By using Quest Atlantis and OpenSim, teachers have discovered that enthusiasm and persistence are two of the key ingredients for educators looking to use virtual worlds with their students. Even those with little experience in this field can make it happen with the right support Join us as we explore the differences between virtual worlds such as Quest Atlantis and OpenSim and look at examples of student work across a number of curriculum areas.”LearnCentral Link:
Tuesday, August 17th
  • 10am PDT (US) /1pm EDT (US) / 5pm GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): ELLUMINATE LIVE EVENT SERIES
    “Instant Learning Impacts Performance: Creating One-Idea/ One-Action Learning Events,”
    with presenter Ray Jimenez. Instant learning is happening - not in the usual training situations like the classroom, elearning or coaching, but in instances where learning counts the most - in work and problem situations. One-idea/one-action instant learning impacts problem-solving and decision-making to bring about performance improvement. In this No-Lecture Webinar, Ray will show how the Micro-Events (content, interactions, sharing, conversations, coaching, gadgets, etc.) create instant learning situations.
    LearnCentral Link: (advance registration required)
  • 5pm PDT (US) / 8pm EDT (US) / 12am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): FUTURE OF EDUCATION SERIES
    Kyle Ruddick discusses the “One Day on Earthproject with Steve Hargadon as part of the interview series.
    LearnCentral Link:
Wednesday, August 18th
  • 3am PDT (US) / 6am EDT (US) / 10am GMT/UTC (intl times): AUSTRALIA SERIES
    eT@lking: Math 2.0 interest group: A year in review and brave new plans," with host Coach Carole. Maria Droujkova, the founder of Math 2.0 interest group, invites you to participate in the discussion of mathematical communities. During the event, we will look at different community types and discuss their accomplishments and needs. You will hear what founders of Scratch, GeoGebra, Calculation Nation, Cut the Knot, MathPlayground, ViewPoints Research, The Art of Problem Solving and many more math communities consider important tasks in mathematics education, and how they go about accomplishing the tasks. You can use the event to find math communities that will welcome your participation and add to your personal learning network. Maria will also talk about plans and dreams of the Math 2.0 group for the next year, including virtual and face-to-face conferences, the math game development forum, publishing efforts, and spin-off event series.
    LearnCentral Link:
  • 10am PDT (US) / 1pm EDT (US) / 5pm GMT/UTC (intl times): ELLUMINATE LIVE EVENT SERIES
    Don't Let The Experts Tell You Powerpoint Sucks! How To Get The Most From Powerpoint When Building E-Learning Courses”
    with presenter Tom Kuhlmann.Everyone loves to bash PowerPoint. Let’s face it, though: It’s the tool most of us have access to and know how to use. No worries - In the right hands and combined with the right tools, PowerPoint can be a powerful for building creative and highly effective eLearning courses. Tom Kuhlmann is just the person to show us how to use PowerPoint to its fullest, even to points far past the vision of PowerPoint’s creators. Having spent 15 years developing and managing eLearning projects – and being the focal point for a community of over 60,000 trainers, eLearning developers and instructional designers. Tom’s experience enables him to reveal the hidden power of PowerPoint that most of us are unaware of. He’ll show us tips and course-building techniques that engage learners and are key to accomplishing the organization’s learning objectives.
    LearnCentral Link: (pre-registration required)
  • 5pm PDT (US) / 8pm EDT (US) / 12am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): FUTURE OF EDUCATION SERIES
    Steve Hargadon as he interviews Stanford's Linda Darling-Hammond as part of the interview series.
    LearnCentral Link:
  • 6:30pm PDT (US) / 9:30pm EDT (US) / 1:30am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): MATH 2.0 SERIES
    “Expert Ways of Seeing,
    .” with host Maria Droujkova. Bruce Kirchoff will discuss teaching in the expert mode allows the student to skip the painful process of making the switch from novice to expert.
    LearnCentral Link:
  • 7pm PDT (US) / 10pm EDT (US) / 2am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): AUSTRALIA SERIES
    Join Coach Carole for the latest session of “Moderator Masterclasses: Series 3” as she demonstrates how to moderate segments within the Elluminate tutorial and use the moderator tools effectively.
    LearnCentral Link:
Thursday, August 19th
  • 9am PDT (US) / 12pm EDT (US) / 4pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    Guerrilla Marketing for Nonprofits with Chris Forbes,” with host Dr. Sarah Eaton. Guerrilla Marketing for Nonprofits, released July 2, 2010, is the latest book in the guerrilla marketing series and it is hot off the press. Co-authors Jay Conrad Levinson, Frank Adkins and Chris Forbes team up to offer 250 tactics to promote, recruit, motivate and raise more money. In this webinar co-author, Chris Forbes, will share his insights and expertise around marketing of nonprofit organizations and projects. Join us for what is sure to be an insightful and inspiring talk. After the interview, there will be time for questions, answers and discussion with participants.
    LearnCentral Link:
  • 4pm PDT (US) / 7pm EDT (US) / 11pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
    “Edublogs - Serendipity (PD out of a blue sky).”
    Join Jo Hart a fortnightly unconference sessions. Bring along the burning issues and hot topics YOU would like to discuss. Topic is chosen by poll at the start of the session.
    LearnCentral Link:
  • 5pm PDT (US) / 8pm EDT (US) / 12am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): FUTURE OF EDUCATION SERIES
    Steve Hargadon interviews Carol Dweck on her book, Mindset with host Steve Hargadon as part of the FutureofEducation interview series.
    LearnCentral Link:
Saturday, August 21st
  • 9am PDT (US) / 12pm EDT (US) / 4pm GMT/UTC (intl times): CLASSROOM 2.0 LIVE SERIES
    Volunteer Spot,”with co-hosts Kim Caise, Lorna Costantini and Peggy George. Karen Bantuveris, founder of Volunteer Spot, will share about this initiative for mission of enabling anyone to quickly mobilize and coordinate volunteers in their community, congregation and social network.
    LearnCentral Link:
  • 7pm PDT (US) / 10pm EDT (US) / 2am GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times): Carribean Educators Network (CEN) Advisory Meeting
    LearnCentral Link: