MySpace and Facebook are just two examples of social networking sites, but unfortunately, their early prominence has created a stigma around social networking that the technology itself doesn't deserve. The understandable concerns created by these early and popular networks have overshadowed some amazing changes that are taking place in educational environments when the tools of social networking are being used with students and teachers.
“Social Networks” are really just collections of Web 2.0 technologies combined in a way that help to build online communities. In December, Classroom 2.0, the social network I started for educators interested in Web 2.0 and collaborative technologies, won the 2007 EduBlog Award for “best use of a social network for educational purposes” and now has nearly 5,000 members. The twist here, of course, is that Classroom 2.0 is a network for teachers (yes, adults, those sometimes called "digital immigrants!) who are interested in the use of Web 2.0 in the classroom and who are using the site for personal professional development. The ability to have productive, engaging dialog with others in a community is a natural fit for all ages in education.
Because I do consulting work for the social networking company Ning (as part of which I run their site), I thought it would be interesting to try to find out the different ways in social networks are being used in education. So I started a single-purpose wiki for educators to link to and describe their social networking sites. I'm including a snapshot of the list as it is today, but it keeps growing and as it does so provides an interesting insight into the variety of ways that social networks are being put to productive educational uses. You'll have to forgive the length, but it helps to make the point. Personally, I think as the tools of online social networking and course management inevitably merge, we'll find more and more compelling educational uses for them.
Today's snapshot of "Social Networking in Education:"
- 12SCR - the greatest tutor group in GCUS, UK - A social networking area especially for 12SCR Tutor Group at GCUS, UK.
- Alabama Educator's Network- For teachers living in Alabama (Please join if you live in AL.)
- - Teaching and Education in Asia: Communities of Hope - Asian Educators discover and discuss common and unique challenges and experiences in Asian teaching contexts.
- Classroom 2.0 - Web 2.0 in the Classroom
- College 2.0 - Higher Education, Online Education and Web 2.0
- Comenius Programme Network A network for teachers accross Europe to seek support, share ideas and experiences to help ensure successful Projects
- Coming of Age - The Book on Web 2.0 in the Classroom
- eLatin eGreek eLearn - Helping Classics teachers (Latin and Greek) understand and incorporate technology into the classroom.
- EduBloggerWorld - International Edubloggers
- Fielfindr A portal to connect classrooms to the world: Global citizens can share talents and skills with students.
- Fireside Learning (ning) - "Conversations about learning. Sit by the fireside and share your thoughts."
- Gifted Education Ning space for parents and teachers started by Ginger Lewman to discuss gifted issues
- The Global Education Collaborative - Promoting Global Awareness
- International Collaboration - High school and university students worldwide collaborate and learn about each others' cultures and life styles
- International Classroom - Social network created for classes around the world. Space where pupils can share, talk about themselves ,show pictures and videos etc,and get to know each other's culture.
- ILTCE - Illinois Technology Conference for Educators - Learning Without Boundaries 2008
- ISEnet - Independent School Educators Network for k-12 educators & students
- Laptop Learning Community - Preparing Students with 21st Century Skills
- Learning 2.0 - Creating Collaborative Learning
- LITE - Leading Innovative Technology use in Education - Glenview School District 34
- MACUL Space - Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning. Educators Pre-K to 20.
- Michigan Classroom 2.0 Michigan Classroom 2.0 is for Educators interested in integrating technology into the classroom. A collaborative site where"beginners" and pro's can find a comfortable place to start being part of the digital dialog.
- - Network of NanoScience
- New Teacher Resources (A Supportive Community for New Middle School Teachers)
- Next Generation Teachers - Improving Teaching and Learning with New Technologies
- Online Projects 4 Teachers - Linking Teachers Together
- PBS Teachers - Using a private Ning network to Connect with our Teacher Advisory Group
- ProjectsByJen - PreK - 6th Grade Teacher Collaboration
- PSUCast PowerSchool users network.
- RBG Worldwide 1 Nation (ning) Afrikan Centered Cultural Development and Education
- School 2.0 - The Changing of Education
- Schoolwork Together - Space for teens from Israel and Dutch school to meet and discuss ideas for a common project
- SIGTE 2008 Book Discussion; Steering committee currently discussing book choices. Using NING as communication tool.
- Smallsteps - a class based network set up to support 14yr old design students with a design and make project centred around the topic of waste reduction.
- SPLICE - this is part of a JISC funded project run by CETIS at Bolton University to explore social networking for creative industries students, teachers and practitioners. SPLICE = social practices, learning and interoperability in connected environments.
- - A network of teachers using technology
- We Are Teachers IMAGINE Network- Online Knowledge Marketplace
- WorkForce Educators - Distance Learning and Teaching
- World Englishes Project- Blended Learning Course about World Englishes in collaboration with Waseda University, Japan.
- WEBTAS (Web Teaching and Academic Support Learning Community)
- Web2learning (For Teachers interested in using Web 2.0 technology’ to enhance online teaching and learning activities)
- Art Snacks- Teaching Art
- Art Education in the Digital Age - lots of videos of Exhibits/Lectures/Artist from Boston and a Web 2.0 Hybrid Drawing class.
- Comic Art School Open community with resources for drawing and making comics.
- Drawing Faces - Course for drawing faces, portraits, cartoon heads and caricatures.
- Museums and Students - A network for museums and students to interact and learnAg
- UTA Film and Video Network - for art (film) students and faculty of the University of Texas, Arlington
- UTA Animation Network - for animation students and faculty of the University of Texas, Arlington
Classroom Networks:
- Across Generations Homework help, resources, projects from students, resources for students and parents.
- Big Dog Science - eighth grade science class network for student collaboration on chemistry projects
- CCM Music - a network to connect students and staff across music courses at City College Manchester, an FE and HE college in the UK. This is a closed network but a video tour is here.
- The Connected Classroom - Private network connecting 7 grade 4 classes in international and public schools around the world (looking for members in Japan, Australia and China).
- Creative Media Classroom - Private network for 11th-12th grade students taking Creative Media (an evolution from Creative Writing) as an elective at a college preparatory school.
- Dio Digital Learning Lab Classroom based interactive network at Diocesan School for Girls in New Zealand (Private)
- Flat Classroom Project - Planning, communication and collaboration Ning for the Flat Classroom Project
- The French Connection - Private network connecting 2 grade 6-7 classes in the US and France for communication, language practice.
- GCHS Theater Arts Online reflection space for GCHS theater arts students (closed)
- The Global Cooling Collective - Planning World Concerts, Creating World Change, Empowering Global Youths
- A networks for 7th grade history students in a small K-8
- Hurricane Maine - Network for my students but hope to open it up for collaboration
- IntroTV/Video - 9-12th grade TV/Video students use this as a place to upload their work (closed - due to copyright issues)
- Kerr Honors - 9th grade English Network for Reading Reflection (closed - could open up)
- Kingswear Network - a private UK primary (ages 5-11) classroom network but main page is public
- McCorrmick31 - 11th grade English Network for reflection on independent reading projects. (closed - could open up)
- Mr. Edge's English I Space at
- newentenglishsixth - private Ning for 6th Form students of English Literature at Newent Community School, UK (closed)
- Odyssey of the Mind - A closed network for students at Odyssey Charter HS in Nevada. There are three teachers participating with about 30 students currently in the network.
- Readin' Writin' Techin' - Closed network run by four teachers in Southern NJ as part of a study group looking at ways Web 2.0 technologies can be used to generate interest in reading and enhance writing skills. Network has 14 members (four adults and ten students).
- Reading Revolution - This network is to promote student interest in reading books. The network is between a class in an inner city school in California and a class in rural Iowa. Students are encouraged to be social and talk about the books they are reading or want to read. Students make and post videos and podcast about their favorite books, authors and their communities.
- Second Grade - Private network for a 2nd grade class students and parents to share multimedia, to communicate and practice writing in an informal environment.
- TLGplace - Taking Learning Global, a place for students 15+ and their teachers to share inter-cultural experiences while learning.
- Truss2YPI - one of several private Gr. 10 class networks, "Learning about grassroots organizations in our community." see YPI
- WellesleyHigh - High School Faculty/Staff Network (closed)
- World Village - Private network connecting 3 grade 2 classes in Thailand and the US to learn about different cultures.
- Xtreme Learning - Private network connecting highly able students in 9 grade 5 classes in international and public schools around the world - focus on reading and literature.
- Learning Options Social Network - A private social network of students in a very small high school in northwestern Wisconsin, who are taking online classes through a variety of vendors for enrichment or credit recovery.
- CUE Community - Conference website for and 2008 CUE Conference (with individual forum threads for every session and speaker pages).
- The Illinois Technology Conference for Educators- A social networking site for conference attendees, vendors and speakers. Educators following the conference from afar as also encouraged to join this ning. Stay tuned for handouts, pictures, and video of our 2008 event!
- Learning 2.008 Shanghai - Educational Technology Conference held in Shanghai in September for international teachers in the Asia region.
- MACUL Space - The Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning
Course Material:
- openlearn - Open University Course Material
English as a Foreign Language:
- EFL Classroom 2.0
- Inglês Verde e Amarelo - IVA is an established network of Brazilians learning English and English-speakers learning Portuguese of interested in Brazil.
- ListeningPlus A network for students who felt they wanted to keep in touch and practicing English after their online session at Casa Thomas Jefferson (Brasilia, Brazil) was over.
- Mexico English Teachers' Alliance :: META Web 2.0 - META is a social and educational network for English teachers that promotes learner-centered teaching methods and Web technologies in and out of EFL classrooms.
English as a Second Language:
- CSWE 3 Werribee - An adult ESL network for my class of new refugees and immigrants to Melbourne, Australia (closed - may open up)
English Education (Pre- and In-Service):
- FSC-KU M.Ed. (TESL) - (private) a network for those taking the Framingham State College Masters in Ed. program (IEP - International Education Program)
- Montclair State English Education - Support Network for Montclair State University (New Jersey) English teacher certification students—including pre- and in-service students and novice teachers during their induction period.
- - False friends alias words that look the same but have a different meaning in French and in an other language.
- French teacher (closed network)
- French teachers (open network)
- - French grammar.
- - French vocabulary.
Language Learning:
- Talkabout Primary MFL- for those teaching (or considering teaching) foreign languages in Primary schools (ages 3-11)
- Education Leadership - A community for educators to discuss effective leadership, to share best practices, and work toward - lead - a culture of positive change in education.
- SMS 5 Year Program Collaboration - A collaboration network for all preservice teachers at Suncrest Middle School in Morgantown, WV. Members are in the 5 year teacher education program, host teachers and associated administrators.
- Library 2.0
- TeacherLibrarianNing - A community for teacher-librarians and other educators
Professional Development:
- Digital Citizenship resources for educators.
- DuBois and Beyond: Private local Network for PD
- E2T2 Tech Mentor Grant
- Literacy Coach Network - best practices in literacy coaching
- OnlineProjects4Teachers - Linking Teachers Together
- PassionateTeachers A group of those teachers/educators who are passionate about teaching-learning new strategies to make learning a joyful experience.
- Pixels, Please collaborate and share resources, ideas, lesson plans, etc. amongst educators about how to use Digital Images in the classroom.
- Professional Development 2.0 - Educators Learn the 2.0 Way
- Readin' Writin' Techin' - Closed network run by four teachers in Southern NJ as part of a study group looking at ways Web 2.0 technologies can be used to generate interest in reading and enhance writing skills. Network has 14 members (four adults and ten students).
- Teachers 2.0 - Teaching in the digital age.
- The Teacher Collaborative - A social network of teachers and educators attempting to integrate technology into current curriculum practices by developing global project ideas and classroom partnerships.
- teacher/tearner: minds of our own - A private network of independent interdependent teachers learning. The goal for this network in 2008 is to become an even more valuable professional learning network. We are also accepting membership by educators who are interested in using and sharing the use of Web 2.0.
- Teachers as Writers - This is a place where teachers who are writers or wannabe writers can share their enthusiasm for whatever it is they have put on paper or want to put on paper. It's about encouraging people to write and "carve their niches in the edifice of time."
- Tech Camp for Educators-With literacy as a focus, technology will be infused across the curriculum as a tool for teaching and learning. This is a hands-on, practical class. This is a face to ce week long tech camp taught by Meg Ormiston.
- University of Chicago Charter Schools
- Virginia Independent School Teachers
- Web 2.0 4 Teachers - This network is for teachers and administrators who have attended my workshops and conference presentations that highlight the use of Web 2.0 tools. It provides a place for them to engage during and after the sessions.
- Western New York Powerful Learning Practices: A social network where teachers and administrators from various school districts explore and learn Web 2.0 tools.
- Vidsnacks: Video training for teachers wishing to incorporate video into their lessons.
- Computer-based study strategies - for Teachers and students affiliated with the University of Oregon
- Edureshet - Israeli educators and web20 in the classroom
- Greenbush Education Service Center
- Profesores ELE en Holanda - for Teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language working in the Netherlands (in progress) | Profesores de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE) que trabajan en los Países Bajos.
- School Matters - Knoxville, TN Area Network
Second Life:
- Sloan-C SL-NET (Higher Ed)
- Second Life Educational Videos
Spanish as a Foreign Language:
- Profesores ELE en Holanda - for Teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language working in the Netherlands (in progress) | Profesores de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE) que trabajan en los Países Bajos.
Student Organizations:
- EARCOS Global Issues Network - Earth’s Hope is the theme of the EARCOS Global Issues Network Conference to be held in Beijing April 4, 5 & 6 at Western Academy of Beijing. The Global Issues Network is based on the ideas in Jean Francois Rischard’s book “Twenty Global Problems, Twenty Years to Solve Them.” Rischard identifies 20 urgent global problems and encourages the formation of small groups around the world to help solve them
- Blended Learning and Instruction - Engaging students and teachers in active learning by using technology and combining online with face-to-face instruction. Members will share various 2.0 tools and ways of integrating technology effectively.
- Online Instruction - Teachers need ongoing support and information to facilitate online classes. Online Instruction caters to instructors who wish to discuss ways of developing, implementing, and providing learners with the most effective means of online instruction.
- Teaching 'N Technology - A brand new network designed for teachers and technology specialists to share strategies, ideas, and tools regarding technology integration.
- Technology Integration - Gathering perspectives and best practices from teachers, administrators, students, parents, Board of Education members, support personnel, vendors and others regarding technology integration in education. Site also available by visiting
- Video production and multimedia - Video is the language of the 21st century. Learn how to do it here.
- Etools and Tips for Educators - Vocational e-learning and training
- Mobile Communication - The social implications of mobile communication ( this site is focused on the academic analysis of mobile communication in society)SkillsTech Australia - Stonemasonry students, employers and teachers
- Vocational e-Learning Mentors - Vocational e-learning and training
Non-Ning Based:
- - A social network for educators with an interest in Australia
- YouFig - Custom Collaboration Communities for Academia
- e-Learning in developing and developed countries - for AcademiaThe challenge facing e-learning in developing countries is an on going process that requires everyone's attention. Global learning and cultural exchange via e-learning can unite and contribute to co-existence and world peace.