A number of folks have emailed me looking for an easy calendar import / RSS feed for these events, and while the developers at LearnCentral are working on a good long-term solution, you'll find my Google Calendar "hack" at LearnCentral.tv. Hope it helps!
Be on the lookout for Australia-time-friendly events as part of the new Australia Series, Spanish-language Webinars from the Aula 2.0 Series, and student-oriented sessions from Students 2.0! I also hope you will consider hosting your own public webinars using the LearnCentral public room--instructions are available by joining the "Host Your Own Webinar" group on the main announcement tab (http://www.learncentral.org/group/3432/host-your-own-webinars).
Thanks for your attention, and see you online!
Steve Hargadon
Elluminate, Inc.
- 2am PDT (US) / 5am EDT (US) / 9am GMT/UTC (intl times):
“Elluminate Master Classes.” “Join Carole McCulloch for a session entitled, 'Blended: Embedding Elluminate Models' with Elluminate.”
LearnCentral Link: http://www.learncentral.org/event/68458
- 1pm PDT (US) / 4pm EDT (US) / 8pm GMT/UTC (next day) (intl times):
“Collaborative Online Education Project Training for Teachers.” Join Mayte Esponda for a discussion about collaborative projects as a tool and teachers training.LearnCentral Link: http://www.learncentral.org/event/80507
- 3am PDT (US) / 7am EDT (US) / 11am GMT/UTC (intl times): AUSTRALIA SERIES
“Ecapaility: a follow up session,” with Coach Carole. Join Carole for a discussion on the skills needed to be an echampion or eleader. What are the reality checks for your organisation? How do you plan to become ecapable?
LearnCentral Link: http://www.learncentral.org/event/80519
- 12:30pm PDT (US) / 3:30pm EDT (US) / 7:30pm GMT/UTC (intl times): CLASSROOM 2.0 LIVE SERIES
“Classroom 2.0 LIVE from ISTE 2010.” Please join Kim Caise and Peggy George live from ISTE in Denver. Lorna Costantini will join them virtually. Come share your conference highlights with on-site and virtual participants.
LearnCentral Link: http://www.learncentral.org/event/78730/
- 4pm PDT (US) / 7pm EDT (US) / 11pm GMT/UTC (intl times):
“Edublogs - Serendipity (PD out of a blue sky).” Join Jo Hart a forthnightly "Fine Focus" sessions on a wide range of topics from: how to use tools/applications (the "techie stuff"), edu issues, e-learning tools/strategies and much more. In fact anything"e" that is of interest to educators. PS If you have anything you would like to share we would love you to deliver a session for us.
LearnCentral Link: http://www.learncentral.org/event/67262