The call for nominations is now open. The nomination process is described at the Edublog Awards website. Nominations close on Friday, December 3rd. Voting will end on Tuesday, December 14th, and the final awards ceremony will be Wednesday, December 15th, live in Elluminate.
The categories this year are:
- Best individual blog
- Best individual tweeter
- Best group blog
- Best new blog
- Best class blog
- Best student blog
- Best resource sharing blog
- Most influential blog post
- Most influential tweet / series of tweets / tweet based discussion
- Best teacher blog
- Best librarian / library blog
- Best school administrator blog
- Best educational tech support blog
- Best elearning / corporate education blog
- Best educational use of audio
- Best educational use of video / visual
- Best educational wiki
- Best educational podcast
- Best educational webinar series
- Best educational use of a social network
- Best educational use of a virtual world
- Best use of a PLN
- Lifetime achievement