If you are interested in joining our mailing list to stay informed of developments, please sign up using this online form: http://tinyurl.com/globaledcon
We also are looking for people with various expertise and interests related to the following tasks:
- Serving on an international educator advisory board
- Recommending students to serve on a student advisory board
- Presenting a session at this conference
- Facilitating conference sessions in Elluminate
- Volunteering to develop the resource wiki
- Translating conference sessions and materials
- Volunteering to mentor other educators around the topic of developing global collaborative projects. We are seeking people who will partner with less experienced educators to introduce them to this concept.
- Contributing ideas for reaching out to other individuals, organizations, and government entities in order to gain support and publicize the conference.
Thanks for your support. We'll be in touch soon with additional details! Feel free to pass this link on to others via Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Steve Hargadon
Founder, Classroom2.0
Lucy Gray
Founder, The Global Education Collaborative